Friday, December 31, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010


There is time to take a picture before the fall.
A picture of a hand over land below,
in the distance.
blood circulation revving
heart pumping
feet sweating.
Hands covered
with curious gloves
knit, with a chunk
of leather on the back
and on the tips of
thumb and index.
A brown tie
like a hair tie
to keep the sleeves
of the uniform down.

God didnt give us wings
but some people still have them.
The earth approaches the hand
and there are no more pictures.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Into The Jacket

Into the man's jacket goes the sand. Into the sand goes the sweat. Into the sweat goes the tired man. Into the jacket goes the man who is tired. Into the tired goes the loneliness, into the hungry goes the sadness. So much goes into the jacket that when the man takes it off, it stands alone filled with tired moments waiting for the man the jacket knows will return to it.

